Cochise County Brownfields
In partnership with Growth Partners Arizona, the Cochise County Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund is designed to support local economic development by stimulating investment and creating new employment opportunities. It transforms blighted areas into safe, vibrant spaces that enhance neighborhoods. The partnership identifies and prioritizes redevelopment areas by gathering and utilizing public input, ensuring that plans and strategies reflect the community’s needs and aspirations.
Transforming Cochise County: Your Path to Sustainable Development
Welcome to Cochise County’s Brownfield Revolving Loan Program (BRLF). We’re committed to working closely with community leaders and stakeholders in transforming underutilized and vacant properties into thriving community assets through our Revolving Loan Fund program. The BRLF provides financing for cleanup activities at contaminated properties located in Cochise County.
How the Program Works
Project Approval
All projects must be reviewed and approved by Cochise County’s Office of Development Services. To get started, all applicants must contact:
Daniel Coxworth
Director, Development Services
(520) 432-9268
Secure Funding
The Brownfield Revolving Loan provides flexible funding opportunities to assist with the completion of eligible projects. Additional information about our funding programs are available below.
Once you have received your letter of approval from the Office of Development Services our team will work with you to secure funding.
Site Cleanup & Repayment
Once funded you will work closely with both the Office of Development Services and Growth Partners Arizona to complete site cleanup and loan repayment. As part of the BRLF program your loan repayment and funding will be outlined during the application process. Our goal is to ensure you have the support you need to complete your projects without the worry or concerns of financial challenges.
All borrowers are required to adhere to the federal guidelines and requirements of the BRLF program.
The Growth Partners Arizona Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund Program (BRLFP) provides targeted financial solutions to facilitate the cleanup of brownfield sites as part of site redevelopment in participating communities. These sites are properties whose expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by hazardous substances or pollutants. By offering bridge financing, low-interest long-term loans, and, in some cases, non-repayable grants, the RLFP aims to eliminate financial barriers, accelerate project commencement, and enhance community and environmental health.
Note: Growth Partners Arizona has additional loan programs that complement the BRLF. Our suite of programs is designed to meet the diverse needs of stakeholders at various stages of a project—from initial cleanup efforts to full-scale redevelopment.
Our Loan Programs
Option One
Bridge Financing
Jumpstart Your Project with Flexible Financing
Loan Amount: Up to $350,000, Tailored to Project Needs
Interest Rate: Competitive & Below Market
Terms: 12 to 36 Months, Aligned with Project Milestones
Repayment: Interest-Only Payments, with Balloon Payment on Maturity Date
Fees: $75 Application Fee (Additional Fees May Apply i.e. Appraisal, Title, Legal Filing, Etc.)
Option One
Bridge Financing
Jumpstart Your Project with Flexible Financing
Loan Amount: Up to $350,000, Tailored to Project Needs
Interest Rate: Competitive & Below Market
Terms: 12 to 36 Months, Aligned with Project Milestones
Repayment: Interest-Only Payments, with Balloon Payment on Maturity Date
Fees: $75 Application Fee (Additional Fees May Apply i.e. Appraisal, Title, Legal Filing, Etc.)
Borrower Eligibility
- Must have Brownfields Project Eligibility Memorandum.
- Proven track record or partnership with experienced entitie.
- Evidence of collaborations with local stakeholders, including government entities, to ensure community alignment and support.
- approvals or progress in obtaining them, which shows the project’s readiness for immediate commencement.
Application Requirements
- Two years of company federal tax returns.
- Two years of historical company financial statements (balance sheets and profit & loss statements).
- Company year-to-date balance sheet and profit & loss statement.
- Company debt schedule (as of the YTD financial statement) (form provided).
- Projected profit & loss statement for the coming year.
- Personal financial statement dated within 45 days of application for anyone owning 20% or more of the company (form provided).
- Two years of personal federal income tax returns for anyone owning 20% or more of the company.
Option Two
Long-term financing
Secure the Your Project with Long-Term Financing
Loan Amount: Up to $500,000
Interest Rate: Reduced But Typically 2-3% Below Commercial Rates
Terms: 5 to 15 Years, Based on Project Lifecycle
Fees: $75 Application Fee (Additional Fees May Apply i.e. Appraisal, Title, Legal Filing, Etc.)
Option Two
Secure the Your Project with Long-Term Financing
Loan Amount: Up to $500,000
Interest Rate: Reduced But Typically 2-3% Below Commercial Rates
Terms: 5 to 15 Years, Based on Project Lifecycle
Fees: $75 Application Fee (Additional Fees May Apply i.e. Appraisal, Title, Legal Filing, Etc.)
Borrower Eligibility
- Must have Brownfields Project Eligibility Memorandum
- Capacity to commit to a long-term project with significant financial and operational involvement.
- Projects should have clear, measurable benefits for the community, especially in underserved or economically disadvantaged areas.
- If bridge financing was used to support initial cleanup and stabilization efforts, then the borrower must demonstrate successful completion of initial cleanup efforts, with documented results.
Application Requirements
- Two years of company federal tax returns.
- Two years of historical company financial statements (balance sheets and profit & loss statements).
- Company year-to-date balance sheet and profit & loss statement.
- Company debt schedule (as of the YTD financial statement) (form provided).
- Projected profit & loss statement for the coming year.
- Personal financial statement dated within 45 days of application for anyone owning 20% or more of the company (form provided).
- Two years of personal federal income tax returns for anyone owning 20% or more of the company.
Option Three
Subgrant program
Empowering Nonprofits in Environmental Cleanup
Grant Amount: Up to $200,000 for Extensive Cleanup Projects
Eligibility: Must be a Registered 501(c)(3) in Program Areas
Reporting Requirements: Stringent Monitoring and Regular Reporting on Project Milestones
Option Three
Empowering Nonprofits in Environmental Cleanup
Grant Amount: Up to $200,000 for Extensive Cleanup Projects
Eligibility: Must be a Registered 501(c)(3) in Program Areas
Reporting Requirements: Stringent Monitoring and Regular Reporting on Project Milestones
Borrower Eligibility
- Must have Brownfields Project Eligibility Memorandum
- Must be a registered nonprofit (501(c)(3)) that does not engage in lobbying, or a nonprofit higher education institution (2 CFR § 200.1 and 20 USC § 1001), preferably with a focus on environmental and community redevelopment.
- Commitment to transparency in funding usage, with robust mechanisms for monitoring and reporting.
Application Requirements
- Organization mission statement and overview of the organization, services, and impacts. The impact statement should emphasize how the GPAz loan funds will help economically disadvantaged members of the community.
- Proof of IRS Certification of 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
- Proof of nonprofit higher education institution status as defined under 2 CFR § 200.1 and 20 USC § 1001.
- Two years of federal 990 tax returns (not required if audited financial statements are provided).
- Two years of historical Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss financial statements (audited if available).
- Current year-to-date financial statement (most recent Board-approved financials, usually current within 45 days).
- Current year’s budget and next year’s budget, if available.
- A list of Board members/affiliation/contact information.